
Wax vendor small business blog!

  • I thought i best drop in!!

    Hello, So sorry its been such a long long time since i last blogged!! So long in fact we are approaching our third year in business next month!!  S...
  • 1 Whole Year of Little Insults Candle Co!!

    WOW! Well where do I start? My first year in business has been fantastic!!  I have met numerous small business friends thanks to Instagram and I ha...
  • 5 months in Business

    So it has been five month's since I launched Little Insult's Candle Co and what can I say bar I love my job! The response I have had since I have l...
  • The start of my candle business...

    So after completing a degree and graduating from University in the summer of 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic with my hard earned '2.1', I was ...